Expeditions Bronze 2017

A. Dates of expeditions:

Practice - 13th and 14th March 2017

  • Overnight camp at Braidwood, Scout Ass site in the Chiltern Hills just to West of Amersham.
  • Instruction/training in the use of tents, camping stoves, backpacks, basic emergency procedures, navigation "in the field" and camp craft.

Qualifying - 25th and 26th may 2017 (New Forest. Overnight camp near Lyndhurst).

B. Practice Expedition Prep:

1. Route maps and route cards to be completed by groups - Deadline 23rd February.

Participants are to complete Day 1 routes and cards.
Day 2 routes have been produced by Mr N and are shared on Google Classroom (Day 2 will involve groups following the same route, but either clockwise or anti-clockwise... your group will be instructed which).

2. Teams to be agreed and notified to Mr N - Deadline 23rd February.

3. Equipment requirements to be notified to Mr N - Deadline 23rd February.

C. Equipment

The following equipment is available for loan, but please note that we do not hold enough of some items to issue to everyone. As such there is an expectation that participants will provide some of their own equipment. If this is not possible, we will issue equipment on a first-come-first-served basis. If there is a need for additional equipment, we can borrow some from the Ealing DoE organisation, but we have to pre-book this, hence the need to have notification of equipment requirements.

All teams will be issued the following items:

a. Three person tent
b. Camping stove + fuel(one per tent group/three persons)
c. Compass and Map for Day 2 (Groups must produce their own Day 1 map on the copies provided).

Equipment that may be borrowed (provided it has been pre-booked):

a. Backpack
b. Sleeping mat

See the DoE recommended equipment list - HERE

D. Food/nutrition:

Participants need to plan and provide (as a team) the following food/meals:

  • Lunch, snacks and drink (1 lt. water) for Day 1
  • Dinner for Day 1 (This will have to be cooked on the camp stove provided).

  • Breakfast for Day 2 (This must include something hot e.g. hot chocolate drink, porridge etc).
  • Lunch, snacks and drink (water) for day 2.

See HERE for suggested menu and key points to consider.

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